Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Mural Artist Mural

At last, a new mural. Been ages since I painted a mural. A self portrait?
Could be, Would be, Should be like that -
'Cause Horton was faithful, he sat and he sat -
I love kid's art and kid's literature...

Monday, August 30, 2010

Horse Mural begins

I have been commissioned to paint a mural for an animal farm, what one might call a petting zoo.
This is being done in between work on building Art School Waihi and is an opportunity for Girl Friday, my invaluable art school manager, to get first hand experience in mural painting.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Moth Sculpture

I made this sign at Art School and donated it to the school and no-one seemed to care or take interest so I took it down, took it home and put it on my new house.
It's there still, on the Moth house in Sandspit and the upstairs where my studio was is now a Yoga studio run by the new owners of the house who made it a condition of sale of the house that the Moth remain there.
Nice to have ones work appreciated...